Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sunshine State Standard Book #2

Smiles to Go


Jerry Spinelli

Grade Level:

7th and 8th

I think this book would be most relatable to students in the ages that range in 7th and 8th. While the story is easy to read some of the subject matters would work better with an older audience for overall comprehension.


Smiles to Go is a first person narrative told by the main character Will. In the beginning of the book Will introduces us to his best friends Mi-SU and RT, and his annoying younger sister Tabby. At the beginning of the book Will is trying to make sense of the world around him after he learns about proton decay. At the climax of the story Will’s little sister Tabby is seriously hurt in an accident. In the end Tabby recovers, but that brush with the unknown makes Will start to live for now and not question as much.

Smiles to Go in the classroom:

I would use this book to teach a lesson on character development. I would assign each student one of the character (Will, Mi-Su, RT, or Tabby) and then have them keep notes on the character as they read and find out things about them. In the end they will compile all the notes into a character profile.

ESOL strategies and Smiles to Go:

For ESOL students I would partner them with a mainstream student so they can read and discuss the book together. I would assign them Will for their character development project because he is the narrator and it is easier to see his character transformation. I will also lead discussion with the whole class throughout reading the book so everyone can check their comprehension.

Read Aloud: Pages 7-13

These pages really give the first glimpse into Will’s struggle after he finds out about proton decay. I think it’s the perfect part to read aloud because it introduces Will and makes you want to continue to read about how he thinks about the world.

Personal Opinion:

This is my second Jerry Spinelli book, the first one being Star Girl, and I think I can now say without a doubt that I am a Spinelli fan. This book was brilliantly written and thought provoking. I tried to place myself in 7th and 8th grade reading this and I think the questions he poses would have opened my mind to a different way of thinking about the world. What I love most about this book is that Jerry Spinelli combines teenage love drama with questions about mortality, it is an amazing feat but it works well. I am placing Smiles to Go next to Star Girl on my book shelf and look forward to reading some more Jerry Spinelli soon.

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